Channel: Embroidery – Annjrippin's Blog
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Linda Miller at Bristol Quilters



At Bristol Quilters last night we had a really great talk by Linda Miller who is a professional embroiderer.  It was particularly interesting because she talked as much about her business as about her embroidery.  I loved her dogs in coats which featured in several pieces, but I was also interested in listening to her talking about pricing her work, working with card companies and galleries, getting commissions, bearing to part with work, having to sell to people you don’t like because you have to pay the mortgage and so on.  She talked about getting support and working in a collective with other artists, and setting up a studio.

Her work is charming – which is an overused word, but I think it fits, in the sense that her personal vision is enchanting and draws you into her world.  I liked her unusual braided edging and the fact that she doesn’t straighten the work but allows it to distort following the tension in the stitching.  Plus I thought she was absolutely right when she said that you have to give up any idea of control over your work and that you have to let it be what it wants to be.

I would recommend her to any stitching group.

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