This is the second sample from the Vincent van Gogh workshop, this time working with purple and yellow, which co-incidentally were the colours of my school uniform.
I love this combination, although it took me years ever to wear purple again after the school experience. I am not quite sure about the finished piece, where the technique was Roumanian couching, where you use the same thread as the thread you are couching and the holding thread. I did a little bit of that, and we practised sewing curved couching threads to simulate van Gogh’s swirling skies:
I much preferred the technique we learned for working with thick threads which was to knot them and couch them down. I really took to this and, although I ended up with a blob which looks a bit like a fried egg, I enjoyed using knotted yarns of different thicknesses to get a domed effect.
As ever, it was improved by a bit of bling, in this case some bronze beads:
I loved the way that they sank into the couching, as if they had been inlaid.